Read it aloud. Trust me it's fun.
The Actor’s Exercise 1
The Actor's Exercise 2
Aching aardvarks amorously aggravate Billowing bells bending bountiful boulders,
Causing catastrophic cacophonous Celtic chords, condemning
dastardly deeds done downright dirty.
Eventually, evangelical exaltations examine excellent exes, expecting
fangled fables fabulously forgotten, from
gangly gorillas getting gourmet goodies.
Horrendously, Harold’s house, hiding horrific horrors,
induces indecent idiocies, indulging idiotic indiscretions,
jeeringly justifying jumping jacks jesting joyfully.
Kindly, Kenneth’s killer kite
leaves ladies lamenting lost love,
meeting menacingly meaningful maniacal maniacs,
needing Natalie’s notorious knitting needle.
Occasionally, Oscar’s overly overt opulence, overrides
preferred priority paid preference, periodically
questioning quality quilts, qualifying quashed quinces,
readying robotic rabbits ravishing red roosters,
seeking salivating sloths, sucking skinless sausages.
Then, ten to ten, terrific torrents torture tenuous Tibetans, tenderly
underlining ubiquitously ugly ulcers ulcerating ukuleles,
via vainly vague vacuous vagabonds,
with waffling wombats waddling willingly, while watching
x-rated x-rays of
youthful yachtsmen yelling yippee, yearning
zestfully for zany, zingy, zombies.
*special thanks to Mr Jacob for giving this exercise to me. You've helped me improve my pronunciation and i thank you for it.