Saturday, February 21, 2009

Test your proNUNciation

Read it aloud. Trust me it's fun.

The Actor’s Exercise 1
To begin at the beginning. It is spring, moonless night in a small town, starless and bible-black. The cobble-streets silent and the hunched courtiers and rabbits wood-limping invisible down to the slow-black, slough-black, crow-black-fishing-boat-bobbing sea. The houses are blind as moles, though moles see fine tonight in the snouting-velvet-dingles; or blind as Captain Cat, there in the muffled-middle by the pump and the town clock.

The Actor's Exercise 2
Aching aardvarks amorously aggravate
Billowing bells bending bountiful boulders,
Causing catastrophic cacophonous Celtic chords, condemning
dastardly deeds done downright dirty.
Eventually, evangelical exaltations examine excellent exes, expecting
fangled fables fabulously forgotten, from
gangly gorillas getting gourmet goodies.
Horrendously, Harold’s house, hiding horrific horrors,
induces indecent idiocies, indulging idiotic indiscretions,
jeeringly justifying jumping jacks jesting joyfully.
Kindly, Kenneth’s killer kite
leaves ladies lamenting lost love,
meeting menacingly meaningful maniacal maniacs,
needing Natalie’s notorious knitting needle.
Occasionally, Oscar’s overly overt opulence, overrides
preferred priority paid preference, periodically
questioning quality quilts, qualifying quashed quinces,
readying robotic rabbits ravishing red roosters,
seeking salivating sloths, sucking skinless sausages.
Then, ten to ten, terrific torrents torture tenuous Tibetans, tenderly
underlining ubiquitously ugly ulcers ulcerating ukuleles,
via vainly vague vacuous vagabonds,
with waffling wombats waddling willingly, while watching
x-rated x-rays of
youthful yachtsmen yelling yippee, yearning
zestfully for zany, zingy, zombies.

*special thanks to Mr Jacob for giving this exercise to me. You've helped me improve my pronunciation and i thank you for it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

V'day special

You would never in your wildest imagination think how I started my Valentines day. I spent it with 5 guys. Just so you know I'm straight. Kenny and I headed over to Kota Kemuning to play some hoops. There we meet up with Sionn, Danyal,Gavin & his brother Gary.

After bball we indulged ourselves with mamak food. Chicken, mutton, papedem(if that's how you spell it) , roti canai etc etc. Soon after the mamak guy came over to give us our own individual bill and take a look at what is written on it.
cock bottle!!! (Danyal's Bill)

Danyal ordered a COKE bottle and he ended being charged for a COCK bottle. You can imagine how hard the 6 of us were laughing in the mamak at 1230 in the morning. Next we headed to *private and confidential*.

At around 3am we recahed Sion's house where we decided to watch a movie (Mall Cop). What a stupid yet entertaining show. All 6 of us sat there comfortably munching on snacks provided by our host.
Kenny's sexy pose.

We headed to bed after the movie and a session of supposedly ghost stories. wooooooooooooo.

Around 9am we all washed up and packed our stuff to head back home. We bid farewell to Gavin who was going to Australia on Tuesday. All the best man!!! Kenny, Danyal, Sionn and Ann Ee hitched a ride with me back to Sunway. Later in the afternoon we all of us headed to Pyramid excluding Kenny for he had to work. Kesian. We met up with Tracy, Joel and Angelina at Carls Jr.

Everyone was going to watch Pink Panther 2 but since Danyal and I had already watched it we left them and started walking endlessly around the oh so boring pyramid. To entertain ourselves we just sat down, looked at the people that passed us by and started talking nonsense bout them. Utterly lame I know but we'd done almost everything to try and keep us entertained so yea.

After the movie ended we regrouped and since it was already close to 6pm i had to go home to prepare for my Valentines Day date.

Ah now the interesting bit.


I picked up my Valentine from her her house and we headed to 1 Utama. Just so you know Mom and Dad, there wasn't any jam what so ever. We wanted to dine at Kura which was in One Worl Hotel but it was fully booked so we ended up dining at Sushi Zanmai. & I proudly say that for the first time ever, a girl ate more than me.

I managed to convince my parents to let me catch a midnight movie with the help of my date. Thanks dear. We watched Valkyrie at TGV. Sadly we couldn't get any tickets for GSC. Even the Gold class tickets were sold out. Don't worry we'll go for it next time. Being the usual me, I was cold in the cinema whiles my date in short sleeves wasn't.

We had a slight problem finding the car but we eventually did. I dropped her home close to around 230am. Thanks for being such a great valentine. *No pictures for no camera in the world no matter how enxpensive(dslr what not) can ever capture this magical/memorable/lovely moment :)

"Everyday is Valentines day.
Love doesn't come in just a day;
It's an everyday affair."

-My dates uncle

PS: Ee Ping I've already gotten you the pouch. In fact I already gave it to you. Haha. Sorry for taking so long to get it. I wanted it to be the right one. Hope you like it.her favourite colour.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy 18th Birthday Goh Zenli!!!!!!

It has been just over 2 years since I got to know you, and I can safely say that you're one of the reasons why my last 2 years in high school were so memorable. I know I haven't exactly been the perfect friend to you but you gotta admit the twin joke(inside joke) was good. Haha.

Anyways I just want to wish you, Zenli, all the best that life has to offer. & I'm sorry for anything that I've done to offend you. Happy Birthday Ms Blurr!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

What to do with my ang pau's?

Chinese New Year is over. 15 days just went by with the blink of an eye. Now the main question. WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH ALL THE CASH? Hmmmm.Plan A - deposit it ALL in the bank.(NAH)

Plan B - deposit half of the cash in the bank and keep the other half in my wallet to make it look fat.(tempting)

Plan C - deposit none in the bank and spend it all.

Well...........................I think i shall go with Plan C. Now that I've decided to keep all my cash, what should I do with it? Take Ee Ping for a nice dinner? Buy new clothes? Buy a new handphone? Buy new sneakers?

That all sounds good but i think Imma go get me one of these.
Numark X6 mixer with effects.
Isn't it beautiful.

I've me laying my eyes on this mixer for quite some time now. This mixer doesn't come cheap though. It cost a whooping 400USD (approx RM 1520). But heck I want one. LOOK AT IT!!!! Who needs a new handphone, clothes, and all those nonsense. Everyone should just get this to increase their cool factor. :)

anyone needs a DJ?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I've Been Tagged!!!!...sigh

Directions: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog or a note on Facebook with sixteen random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment (”you’re it”) and to read your blog. You can’t tag the person who tagged you. Since you can’t tag me, let me know when you’ve posted your blog/note, so I can see your weirdness.
  1. I'm Eurasian.
  2. I'm not Malay...period
  3. Doing stupid/weird/wacky/goofy stuff is what I'm famed for.
  4. -got to tell you that i love to party(well who doesn't)
  5. I'm bi.......................................................NOT
  6. Currently I'm listening to Lady Gaga - Just Dance David's Progressive House Remix (random enough for you?)
  7. -teen was how old I was in the year 2008.
  8. I'm like the smartest person on the planet if you exclude the other 5,999,999,999 people inhabiting the earth.
  9. Cam whoring is 'TOTALY' my thing.
  10. I'm a careful driver, but my friends don't think so.....STOP SCREAMING!!!!I'M ONLY DOING 200KPH...GEEZ.
  11. Forever 21 freaks me out....its way too girly & i want to turn 22....
  12. I love pokemon....STOP LAUGHING...
  13. Ladies....I'm very sorry to tell you this but I ain't single no more....there's a tissue.
  14. I drive a joke....
  15. Did I also say I like playing racing games on my psp?
  16. I know you're reading this and I just want to say....HAHA...I just wasted 2.4836 minutes of your time....

now the fun part. Hmmm....who should i tag....
I shall tag...........................................NO ONE!!!
See I'm such a kind guy to not tag other people so that I can spare could crack their blardy brains open to find 16 things to write about themselves. Man, i could have used 'I'm a kind person'. Oh well. hope you enjoyed it.